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EML behold scroll EML behold stained glass EML candle red stitch EML cats & dogs caroling EML fruit glazed EML kitties & doggies on rooftop
EML madonna and child blue EML nativity stained glass EML nativity sweet EML ornament peach stripe EML poinsettia bisque EML poinsettia large EML poinsettia red draw stitch EML poinsettia red needlepoint EML poinsettia red needlepoint green EML poinsettia shiny EML puppy & kitten under santa hat EML wildlife christmas EML wildlife friends globe red EML wise men seek EML wreath embroider EML xmas dogs at door EML xmas fruit EML xmas kitties sing EML xmas mailbox EML xmas tree & birds
EML kitten sleep stocking EML xmas cats at window
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